Friday, November 26, 2004

Friday Nov 26, 2004

End Of Course III

Last week was as hard for me as it has been. My butt is really draggin at the end of th third cycle last week -- when I am 4 pints low in blood, immunosupressed, have a toxic neuro-myopathy and a toxic fatigue, its hard to keep pressing in the office. Anyway, a week off could not have come at a better time and the past week has been delightful in Santa Barbara, LA, and Los Olivos at the Fess Parker Inn.

Thanksgiving was wonderful and we were all together at Paul's and Helen's wedding.

With another week off from chemo and a big dose of aranesp, I should be back full steam.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Monday November 15, 2004

Cycle III-B

This week was different for several reasons. First of all, all the drugs came due at the same time so I was really loaded up - in order of receiving them on Fri: emcet (oral) -> aloxi (IV) -> decadron (IV) - > zometa (IV) -> taxol (IV) -> carboplatin (IV) -> Zoladex (subcut) -> Procrit (subcut -> emcet.

Secondly I have been struggling with a cold all week that broke into a nasty bronchitis with grungy looking phlegm and a bed shaking cough. Things seem better after the Biaxin started working.

I took time to make a file of some the hats I have received. It you have not seen it, go to:

Hair is about the same. I am looking forward to a week off in SoCal.


Sunday, November 07, 2004

Sunday November 7, 2004

Round III-A

Quite a while ago, I volunteered to go with Fresno State as a team physician when we played Rice in Houston. Little did I expect then that I would be be getting key-mo. However, there are a lot of reasons to go on the trip beside the fact that the Rice games have recently been very competitive. So I moved my chemo day to Thursday morning and flew out with the team Thursday night.

I was able to convince my brother to go as "Mrs Kennedy" as Carole needed to to go to LA to be with Marlee and Beth and her seat was available.


My oncologist is not in on Thursday, so the nurses put me on a fast track and I was out in record time (4 hours), No problems although I am still am haveing the usual post-chemo aches, fatigue and blahs. My counts bounced back with a week off so my bone marrow did not need any Amgen assistance.


The trip was great. Our football team hit on all 50 cylinders and we stiffled Rice, winning 52-21. The folks at Rice are great and the day was wonderful.

However, the trip was also filled with other events.

First, Nov 4, 1974 I saw my first patient in private practice so David and I did some Patron shots to clebrate my 30 years in medical practice!

Second, Houston harbors some special treats: Dave's friend from Penna - Ed and my friend Chester and Sherri. Ches took us to a great local barbecue place where the food and beer (Shiner bock) gets no better. Then off to the Knucklehead Sports Bar (I see drunk people ) where we had a great time. Ches is one of those special people you wait your whole life to meet - the epitome of hospitality, authenticity and getting every ounce out of life - and Sherri mirrors this.

The food, the friends, the excitement - does not get much better. Thank you to the great people in Houston.

Here is a picture of us at dinner.

BTW, the hair is about the same.
