Sunday, September 11, 2005

Sunday 9-11

I am currently in the middle of Cycle 13 (or is it 14?). My chemo-doc has been on vacation for a week or so, so I get in and out on chemo day (Friday).

Nothing new to report as far as health issues other than the effects of the chemo vary week to week -- last week I had no problem playing golf on Sunday - this Sunday I was lethargic and could not get off the couch (or perhaps Steelers football has something to do with the couch syndrome).

Went to see the Eagles with bro David and Sylvia - so good.

Next weekend I have tix up front to see Carlos - this is a big dose of goodness. I joined the fan club and get tix up in front in return.

Speaking of up front - Fresno State looks like a machine - solid football and next week is going to be the test - Oregon at Oregon.

We are on the clock with the Emily Elizabeth watch.

Only real issue is fatigue - especially after grinding in the office - we will see.
