Saturday, February 19, 2005

February 19, 2005

West Hills, California

Cycle 6-B

It's Prez Day weekend and I am with my grandchildren and family in SOCal - feels like the tropics with all the rain. I am glad to get out of Fresno where Coach Stacy Johnson-Klein has given the Fresno Bee an opportunity to compete with The Enquirer and come up a scandal du jour.

Chemo went without a hitch except that my platelets have dipped; as my oncologist said: we can't keep this up forever - eventually your bone marrow will not tolerate a lot of carboplatin. But it also may be an opportunity to take a break from chemo for a while and give everything a rest. We will deciding in the next couple of weeks.

My hair contiues to grow - not enough to visit the stylist yet, but clearly a change in appearance.


Sunday, February 13, 2005

February 13, 2005

Cycle Six

I read in the Fresno Bee (my favorite source of medical misinformation), that there is an influenza called the 'California Flu' that is so mutated that the flu shots do not protect you from it. In retrospect that is what probably laid Carole and myself up in bed for a week and delayed last week's chemo. Not to worry, I am now strong enough to press on.

Friday we did Cycle 6-A without a hitch (so far). All the numbers look good and my marrow is holding its own and my head hair is starting spurt out a bit.

I have been going to a tanning salon to abort the comments from patients about "looking sick" - the result of the anemia - now I look like Palm Springs Bill.

Anyway, all is well and it will be off the West Hills and Santa Barbara to celebrate Prez Daze next weekend.

My grandchildren:


Friday, February 04, 2005

Feburary 4, 2005

For the past week, Carole and I have been locked down with a viral illness: malaise, aches, fever & chills, obnoxious cough, and no appetite (I lost 7 pounds). Today, for a change, I felt much better.

I went to the Oncologist to start Cycle 6 and got good news: my numbers are the best they have been for 8 months. However, the illness has driven my WBC count down to 2200 (Normal = 6000), I am still sweating and coughing, so it was decided to defer a week - so no chemo this week (safety first).

My hair seems to be growing some, but I would not describe it as a main event - people still do not recognize me and I still have taken to wearing funny hats.

Anyway, I suppose the overall vibe is good.


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Feb 1, 2004

"That which does not kill me, makes me stronger"
- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900)

Well, I finished my last chemo of Cycle V (V-C) without incident and headed to LA on the train to see my new grand-daughter. She is beautiful and although everyone describes her as a "good" baby, I think of her as low maintenence - she eats, poops, smiles at grandpa and sleeps.

Here is a picture of Carole and our grandchildren:

I am feeling well and am scheduled to resume my treatments this week - perhaps Cycle 6 - who knows.

Carole and I signed up for a 10 day Caribean cruise in early April after Easter and that should be a good time.

Right now, everything is coming up roses - I hope I have the time to smell them!
