In 1992 I downsized my medical practice to take a postiion with the CA Department of Voc Rehab and in 1995 joined in forming Northwest Medical Group. Therefore 1/2 of my income comes from medical practice and 1/2 from the position with the State. To protect our income at Northwest, the doctors have a policy that provides partial income if they are unable to practice at Northwest due to injury or illness. I stopped working in October and applied for disability payments but today my claim was
rejected. Amazing. Even though my income has dropped in 1/2 since October due to cancer treatments, the Insurance company says I make too much money working part time with the State of California and refuses to give me a penny. Go figure; but then it has been my experiences that insurance companies try as hard as they can to NOT take care of you when you need it in order to show profit to the shareholders. I am sure this will be worked out but going to the matresses with the insurance company is not in my peace and harmony plan.
Two days ago I received my 4th chemotherapy treatment with Taxatiere and now today I feel like I a hit a wall - amazing - it comes on in about 1/2 hour and you head for bed - should last a couple of days then bounce back. When last checked my counts look OK but I will not know the definitive counts for three weeks - so why worry at this point.
I try each day to find graditude and acceptance but today it was a little difficult to be grateful for Standard Insurance, but I am sure they are full of good people there in Portland.
Last weekend Peter and Nichole came up - it was wonderful. Peter shot an 80 at the country club - two great meals and just a a wonderful time.
Anyway, I am planning to start to swing a golf club to keep up my conditioning and hopefully can get enjoying the Fresno Sunshine.
One Love
BTW - the pic is me nailing a shot at Wailea