Thursday, August 17, 2006

Imeach The President

We are Getting In to Serious Trouble

Federal courts and the Supreme Copurt have ruled that Mr. Bush has commited unconstitional acts. The American Bar Association has taken a position that he has ignored congressional madates by his signature letters, jeopardizing the balance of power, and taking the law into his own hands

Accordingly I have written the following letter to our Senators:

I think it time to consider impeaching the President. Mr Bush took an oath to uphold the U S Constitution but has performed grave unconstitutional acts and has abused his power. The first is his unconstitutional handling of the POWs at Guantanamo Bay. The second is his warrentless searches of millions of American's e-mails.

Of course his inability to use Intelligence Information correctly, his waging war and destroying the infrastructure of a sovergein nation that presented no threat to the USA, in and of itself, should be impeachable.

This is not political - I am worried as is the American Bar Association, that Mr Bush has ignored the Constitution and taken powers that do not belong to him, jepordizing the nation.

Thank you.

W Kennedy MD

Also, the New Yorker magazine has published a well researched article that points out that Israel was going to attack Hezbollah regardless and they used the kidnappings as a ruse. Bush was in on it and encouraged the attack and did nothing for 30 days to allow the Israelies time to destroy the Hezbollah arms. It seems that the US is planning for a probable attack on IRAN in 2 years and the White House is worried that Hezbollah will launch a missle attack on Israel if we attack IRAN, hence the US wants to nullify the threat.

Click here to read this scary article.

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