Thursday, September 06, 2007

Stop Messin' With Me Uncle Sam!

Procrit - an injectable drug used to stimulate the Red Cell count in an anemic person.

Hemoglobin (HBG) - the amount of 'red' in the red clood cells - useful measurement of degree of anemia ... normalk = 12 - 15

My HBG has been running around 8.5 secondary to the ablation of some of my bone marrow from the radiation I have received recently to knock out the spinal cord tumors. When I was receiving Procrit in the hospital, the HBG would run 8 - 11. I have not had a blood count recently until yesterday and have not had any Procrit since leaving the hospital two weeks ago.

Yesterday i went to visit my oncologist and it was 8.5. Look how gray my skin looks in the following picture taken several days ago.

Well it turns out that Medicare will only pay for Procrit if the patient either has (renal failure), (recent chemotherapy), or (myleodysplasia) I am not eligible for Procrit -- so instead I have to get blood transfusions with double the cost and 10 times the risk. Seems the US Government knows more about treating me than my Oncologist!

The Kennedy girls were up this weekend and brought along their parents as well as Peter and Nichole.

It was a wonderful time as usual.

Go Steelers!

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