Saturday, April 16, 2005

Friday-Saturday mid April 2005

Big Day

From the beginning of the cruise my left leg swelled much larger than the right.
Although clots are a complication, I have been taking rat poison (d-con---warfarin) in low does, so I thought I was low risk.

Well the airline trip was lots of sitting and thats where it started. During the Cruise Carole Kennedy RM MSN wrapped me with corform-ACE bandage which seemed to help, but mostly I ignored it.

Anyway, an Ultrasound today of the leg showed clots in two calf veins (Popliteal and Peroneal) but both are starting to recanalize indicating its been ahwile.

Well this is good news and bad news.

Good News

* I have a curable condition
* There are a number of compression sox to make it better
* Can lie and get out of work (just kiddin')
* Can get a temp disabled sticker

Bad News

* Hads to miss the moe. show in Ventura (can have long car rides.
* Have to take shots for 10 days to disolve the clots
* Have to stay on higher doses of the rat posion for 6 months
* May need one of those Alert bracelets
* Do to bleeding, have to avoid fist fights, gunshot wounds, rock climbing, and

Otherwise, the chemo continues (Cycle 8). My numbers are good:

- Prostate numbers have stabilized low
- Blood counts almost normal

Ovwerall this is not a setback but a change of plans. The scary part is over - flipping a clot to my lungs and having to go to the Jamaica Ganga Hospital for treatment.

Grace Ann and her family are coming up this week and that will cheer me up.

Finally, I am trying to get a Burning House Festival for May 29 Sunday. I need feedback. e-amil or leave comments on the blog.

Ta Ta

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